Roar! Roar! Roar! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the
Website of Leo Club of High School Batu Pahat. First I would
like to express my appreciation to all those who are willing to
spend time visiting this Website. Every of your visit is a form
of acknowledgement and also encouragement to this Website.
Secondly, I would like to thank my club for assigning me as
the webmaster of this Website. It is truly and honor for me to
create and administer this Website for our club.
Our club has chosen the Internet to publicize itself due to
the Internet's high exposure rate and low cost. In this
revolutionized world of the information technology, the Internet
is by far the most efficient and effective form of publicity. I
hope by exposing our club through the Internet, the world will
understands more about Leo club. Together, we shall make a
difference to the world.
Lastly, enjoy your time browsing this Website.
Webmaster - Leo Tan Wee Yew
message from president
Greetings, fellow Leos and those who are viewing this Website. Welcome to the Website of Leo Club of High School Batu Pahat. It is my honor that this page is posted with my speech. I would like to express my gratitude to our Information Technology Chairperson, Leo Tan Wee Yew for adminstrating this Website.
This Website comprises many interesting stories about our
club. We have wonderful adventures and experiences throughout
our years in this club. Serving as a Leo is a privilege, an
honor to me. I am sure that the webmaster has posted a page
telling you about LEO. Leadership, Experience and
Opportunity. Yes, these are the mottoes which guided me
through my years.
Our Leo club is sponsored by the Lions Club of Batu Pahat and
each member is entrusted with our motto “We Serve”. This motto
does not only serve as a reminder that we should serve, but it
is also a motivation to bring dreams into reality. I am blessed
to be here today, sitting and writing this speech but many are
out there striving just to be alive. The least I can do is to
extend my hands, reach out to them, to give hope, just like any
other Leo would do. We Leos are not just a club; we are a
society in the society which does more than just roar. We are
destined to do many great things.
As the president of the club, I am entrusted with the
responsibility to make sure everything in the club is on-going
and the members are never redundant. We are like the emblem –
our eyes are always open and searching for opportunities to help
those in need. Together as a team, we shall work and reach to
the sky with Leo’s name on our backs. And together we shall soar
to the clouds and ROAR like never before. Last but not least,
together as a team, WE SERVE!
President of Leo Club of High School Batu Pahat - Leo Ernest Hoe