leo & Benefits
Participation in Leos activities and projects helps young people prepare for the future and achieving the following benefits:
A. Developing leadership skills
B. Improving motivational & organization skills
-Through Leo camps, workshops
-Weekend seminars, forums
-Self-improvement course
C. Enhancing social skills
-Create good fellowship
-Gathering in school, cultural events, seasonal events, birthday celebrations, etc
-Playing games, hiking, bowling, watch movies, etc
D. Experiencing self-esteem
E. Improving personal growth
-Inter-personal relationship
-Eradicate shyness
-Built up courage
-Self confidence
F. Learning to accept challenges & responsibility
-Face any obstacles or difficulties
-Volunteer yourself frequently
-Head projects or activities
-Don't take 'no' for an answer
-Be responsible
G. Experiencing teamwork
-A very important factor
-A joint effort
- Principle of 'gotong-royong'
-Equal distribution of work
-Achieve quick & good results
H. Making new friends
-From different ethnic background
-Widening the circle of acquaintances
-Outgoing & friendly
-Share interests, hobbies, etc
-Care for each other
I. Youth exchange program
-Chance to travel to another country
-Learn new perspective
-Learn others way of life
-Promote home country
-Broaden knowledge
J. International Youth Camp
-Meet Leos from different countries
-Learn each others way of life
-Exchange views & ideas
-Exchange souvenirs & gifts
-Act as own country's ambassador
-Participate in others' Leo project & activities
K. Leo Club Twinning
-To form sister club
-Foster inter-club relationship & fellowship
-Exchange views & ideas
-Joint projects & activities